This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Playing in the Park

One of my favourite pastimes is heading off to the park up the road with Mum and Dad and playing on the swings and jungle gyms.

This is me at play...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Molly the Climber

My latest trick is climbing in and out of my cot. When I get a bit tired from playing in the lounge or outside, I head to my room and climb into my cot for a little rest - usually for a few sucks on my dummy, then once I've recharged by batteries, I climb back down and head back for some more fun.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A visit to the farm

While Dad was travelling in Europe, Mum and I went to see Grandma and visit the farm.

Uncle Greg and Keithy with the Baabaaa's

Me and Keithy riding Lulu the horse with no name.

This is Lulu's new little foal...

Keithy showed me around the farm and taught me how to shear frogs and catch lizards

Keithy in the pool

Keithy and his chook

Grandma and I off for a ride on the bike

We also visited Mum's friend Catherine and my new mate, Belle