This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Christening

Now that I'm two, Mum and Dad thought it would be a good idea to get me christened. So, off we went to the Burrum church, a little old church just up the road from the farm that Mum grew up on. There was a big turnout as a few other members of the Burrum community had decided to get their little ones christened too - so it was an Aussie country version of one of those mass weddings you see in Asia.

I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do but played along as best I could and when the priest finished wetting my head, I called out "Amen" which everyone in the church was very amused with.



Afterwards, we got together with a whole lot of Mum's friends who had come to watch this enormous event and I played with all of the kids...
