This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Visit to the farm

While Dad was watching his team win the Rugby World Cup, Mum and I went to see Grandma and the rest of the clan.

We went out to see the Keithy and Max on the farm and I got a chance to ride Isabella, my favourite pony.


It was great to catch up with my big cousins, Emma and Jess, who had their hands full with the rest of us little ones.


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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I love reading

I'm really enjoying my reading at the moment. Every day I read my favourite books with Mum and Dad. Sometimes I read by myself in my room - you can usually tell this by the state of my room with the books I have read strewn around the floor. They say its the fountain of all knowledge, you know.

Kevin, the Smartest Kangaroo in Australia, is my current fave - its an absolute page-turneare which I enjoy reading every day with Dad and spotting new things drawn in the various pictures in the book.


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