This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wind in the Willows

My friend from play school, Isabella, invited us to watch her Dad as Mr Badger in "Wind in the Willows" - an open air production in the Botanical Gardens. Wow, what a performance! If I was a member of the academy, he would get my vote for sure. That's him below on the left.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Out of Africa

Mom and Dad were missing Africa so we packed up a picnic and went out to the Werribee Open Plains zoo for the day. It was a great chance for me to practice my African animals which I've been learning from Mum's safari books. I saw eland, giraffe, rhinos, gazelle, big lion kings, cheetah, camels and a big hippo. Cool!


Christmas Holidays in Noosa

Pru and Muz invited us and the Burrum clan up to Noosa for Christmas holidays which meant lots of quality time with my cousins Mali, Keithy and Max. There wasn't much beach weather which meant lots of time in the pool and opportunity for me to practice my swimming skills.



Max and Hannah contemplating life

