About me at 9 months
This is me in my bedroom, playing in my cot. Do you like the picture above my bed? Uncle Nick and Aunty Mois bought it for me in Zanzibar on their honeymoon and now it hangs proudly in my private boudoir.

One of my favourite daytime activities is relaxing and watching TV with Mum, especially Hi5 the best show in the world. Amazingly, Mum and Dad can sing along with the lyrics of almost every sone without missing a word. Repetition is the key to learning they say!

My favourite game is still Peekaboo and I get a lot of laughs when Mum or Dad pops around the corner or from behind the door and goes "Boo!" - it generally sends me into hysterics.

Now that I can crawl like a puppy after a postman's ankle, I don't let them hide from me for very long, because I go scurrying around the corner to look for them.
Then I normally stop a foot or so in front of them and stand up, arms upraised with a big grin on my face.

Molly in "Annie get your gun"

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