This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Trip to the Vines

We took a drive out to the Yarra Valley outside Melbourne and did some wine-tasting at the local vineyards.

We also visited the local wildlife sanctuary where I saw some kangaroos, koalas, wombats and wallabies

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

All I did not want for Christmas

Well, they've arrived. My two front teeth. I fear more are on the way. I'm sure I'm not the first one year old to say this but this whole cutting teeth thing is an extremely inelegant solution foisted upon us babes by Mother Nature. Certainly a bit of a design flaw. Mum and Dad have had to be extra nice to me over the last two weeks as my two top front teeth have made their not-so-subtle entrance to the world. Ouch.

And please don't think for one minute you're going to put that camera anywhere near my mouth to get a pic of the action - no chance of that. Here's some we prepared earlier.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Climbing and Clambouring

We've moved into our new house in Melbourne and now I can really run around and explore, nothing's changed there. One of my new pastimes is clambouring under, into and over whatever I can find. Mum's had to re-arrange the furniture a few times to deal with my sense of adventure. I quite fancy climbing ONTO the glass-topped coffee table and dancing a jig. Here's the evidence:

I've turned into quite a little dancer - Dad calls me Happy Feet after the dancing penguin of the same name. I often walk up to Mum or Dad and go into a little tap routine with a pirouette and and some hand-clapping thrown in for good measure. Over the last two weeks I've started running around the house at a full gallop.

My vocabulary is developing:
  • I've been doing the MumMumMum's and DaDaDa's since October
  • November I started TikaTikaTika, BaBaba's bwwwwwwwwwww's and DeeDeeDee's
  • December I threw in random squeals of delight and the odd shriek
  • Its January now and I'm mimicking what I hear from Mum and Dad quite well. A few OhAwws and Mum reckons I said Duck today, Lots of random conversation ending with an exasperated and high pitched Hummph
I've also developed the shoulder-shrug, head tilt and running collapse onto a pillow, couch or bed. I've also got the drunken walk down pat - its part of my overall choreography and usually precedes or follows the shrug and tilt routine .

I still love a good tickle and can be worked into a frothy with a few kisses under my chin and tickle on the neck.

I've really taken to a couple of my big teddy's, especially Sabie the Lion and big teddy. I often take a running dive onto them when I see them within a few feet and feel I need to release some energy, which Dad reckons is every 5-10 seconds.

I'm loving my reading and each evening Mum or Dad will read me my favourite books:
  • Bedtime Peekaboo
  • Bathtime Peekaboo
  • Playtime Peekaboo
  • Mad Monster Fun
  • Nursery Rhymes with sound effects
  • Molly's Fairies
I'm really enjoying playing in the garden and getting my regular dietary intake of dirt and general vegetation. Mum let's me explore the garden as much as I want. I've discovered the watering system and like sucking on the pipes to see if any water comes out.