Climbing and Clambouring
We've moved into our new house in Melbourne and now I can really run around and explore, nothing's changed there. One of my new pastimes is clambouring under, into and over whatever I can find. Mum's had to re-arrange the furniture a few times to deal with my sense of adventure. I quite fancy climbing ONTO the glass-topped coffee table and dancing a jig. Here's the evidence:

I've turned into quite a little dancer - Dad calls me Happy Feet after the dancing penguin of the same name. I often walk up to Mum or Dad and go into a little tap routine with a pirouette and and some hand-clapping thrown in for good measure. Over the last two weeks I've started running around the house at a full gallop.
My vocabulary is developing:

I still love a good tickle and can be worked into a frothy with a few kisses under my chin and tickle on the neck.
I've really taken to a couple of my big teddy's, especially Sabie the Lion and big teddy. I often take a running dive onto them when I see them within a few feet and feel I need to release some energy, which Dad reckons is every 5-10 seconds.

I'm loving my reading and each evening Mum or Dad will read me my favourite books:

I've turned into quite a little dancer - Dad calls me Happy Feet after the dancing penguin of the same name. I often walk up to Mum or Dad and go into a little tap routine with a pirouette and and some hand-clapping thrown in for good measure. Over the last two weeks I've started running around the house at a full gallop.
My vocabulary is developing:
- I've been doing the MumMumMum's and DaDaDa's since October
- November I started TikaTikaTika, BaBaba's bwwwwwwwwwww's and DeeDeeDee's
- December I threw in random squeals of delight and the odd shriek
- Its January now and I'm mimicking what I hear from Mum and Dad quite well. A few OhAwws and Mum reckons I said Duck today, Lots of random conversation ending with an exasperated and high pitched Hummph

I still love a good tickle and can be worked into a frothy with a few kisses under my chin and tickle on the neck.
I've really taken to a couple of my big teddy's, especially Sabie the Lion and big teddy. I often take a running dive onto them when I see them within a few feet and feel I need to release some energy, which Dad reckons is every 5-10 seconds.

I'm loving my reading and each evening Mum or Dad will read me my favourite books:
- Bedtime Peekaboo
- Bathtime Peekaboo
- Playtime Peekaboo
- Mad Monster Fun
- Nursery Rhymes with sound effects
- Molly's Fairies

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