This is my little cyberjournal to keep my friends and family updated about my life and all the exciting things that are happening around me.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

In Full Cry

If you were wondering about my voice, you can hear me in full cry on this video.

Friday, September 29, 2006

10 Months

Now that I'm 10 months old, I'm starting to look like a real little girl - especially when Mum dresses me up in skirts of dresses and puts a little clip in my hair.

I'm not sure if you guys know but I'm absolutely addicted to the kids TV show called Hi 5 and its become part of my daily routine - so much so that Dad finds himself in meetings humming the tunes in his head. You'll see in this clip that even though I'm on the move, I still can't keep my eyes off the Hi 5 band. "5 in the air, let's do it together. 1,2,3,4, Hi 5"

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Today at 6.30pm it happened, I took my first offical steps. Forget about one small step for man, this was a series of steps. All 3 of us were surprised that I'd actually done it and then just to prove it wasn't a fluke, I did it again. And again., putting together 10 steps in a row. I snuck it in just before my 10 month anniversary which is tomorrow.

As has been tradition since even before minute one in my life, Mum was ordered to get the camera and start filming. So here it is, my first steps captured on video (and more of them here). Tomorrow, its algebra I tell you.

Mum, in her excitement turned the camera upside down for this one but hopefully you get the picture. I also hope you notice that I've accessorised - check out my chic new mobile phone.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Me and my food

I've been on solid food now for nearly 4 months and I've developed a few favourites. For my 3 course breakfast, I start with Weetbix mixed with fruit (usually peaches or pears which Mum has pureed for me). They feed it to me with a spoon.

I then move onto Vegemite on toast. Yes, like my Aunt Sj, I am a big fan of that funny black stuff which Dad has never been able to understand. Mum introduced me to finger food a month ago so now I eat my toast as I like: I start by sucking the Vegemite off the bread and then when its all gone and the toast is moist enough, I scrunch up what's left and throw it on the ground. Some people have yoga, but this is my morning ritual.

Its all topped off with some yoghurt - so far banana is my favourite flavour but I also like strawberry and peach. If I'm ever bored with the other stuff for lunch and dinner, youghurt is always a winner.

About me at 9 months

This is me in my bedroom, playing in my cot. Do you like the picture above my bed? Uncle Nick and Aunty Mois bought it for me in Zanzibar on their honeymoon and now it hangs proudly in my private boudoir.

One of my favourite daytime activities is relaxing and watching TV with Mum, especially Hi5 the best show in the world. Amazingly, Mum and Dad can sing along with the lyrics of almost every sone without missing a word. Repetition is the key to learning they say!

My favourite game is still Peekaboo and I get a lot of laughs when Mum or Dad pops around the corner or from behind the door and goes "Boo!" - it generally sends me into hysterics.

Now that I can crawl like a puppy after a postman's ankle, I don't let them hide from me for very long, because I go scurrying around the corner to look for them.

Then I normally stop a foot or so in front of them and stand up, arms upraised with a big grin on my face.

Molly in "Annie get your gun"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mali & Molly

I've just spent a few days with my cousin Mali in Noosa. She's only a few months older than me so we could just play together for hours on end. What a blast we had....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My first pony ride

This is a video of my first ride on a pony - with my cousin Keithy on the farm and his dog Lulu for company as well.

Fun on the Farm

This weekend was a big surprise, we went to visit my cousin Keithy on the farm where Mum grew up, called Rockview. My other big cousins, Jessie and Emma came along too and we had a great day playing with the animals and exploring.

I had my first ever ride on a pony with Keithy and his puppy Lulu along for the ride too. What fun.

We also went for a ride down to the dam to see if Uncle Greg had caught any fish...but nothing had taken the bait. What a fun day!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cool Cousins

My cousins Jessie and Emma came to visit me at Grandma Patti's house this weekend and we had a great time together. They took me for walks, gave me special baths, played with me and gave me tons of cuddles. What more could a little girl ask for?

Of course, in between all of this, I also got to spend some time Grandma Patti and Jackles

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bwwww Bwwww Bwwww

Originally uploaded by bodech.
Another brand new trick of mine is what I like to call "Bwww Bwww Bwww", when I take my hand and play my lips as a musical instrument.

Just say the word and I'll play my "Bwww Bwww Bwww" for you.


Originally uploaded by bodech.
I love standing as you can see.